Wishing and Believing


Wishing and Believing is a space to share and learn about stories of those special moments when you know you weren’t alone: the moments when you wanted or needed love, support, or just magic! We will have fun! We will stay 100% positive! We will learn to enjoy every minute of this wild and fabulous life we have! There is “something else” out there and maybe you would like to explore that!

Sending love your way! I hope you will join us!!

Let’s Do This Together!!!

Automatic Writing

These words are direct quotes from sessions using automatic writing techniques. They have become a light in my life. They are here for you, too. With love. Enjoy!!!

The Beginning

“They have shown you a way that is heartfelt and true.  You have heard them and thought of them and even talked with them.  You may not know they talked to you, but they did and do, and light is everywhere when you see them.  Just a moment in time is all you need and they are visible and dignified and light.  They take you to places you have no known connection with and they walked you through a time when you did not see.  They are gentle and forgiving and they love you with all their hearts.”

In Their Words

“Be gentle and blind to the problems and bring joy to others.  It is with them that you will know divine entities and breathe in the richness of existence.  Change for good and keep it going.  You are the shine in every day.  Stay there and try and do.  Ours is the hope and yours is the divine.  Be kind and find joy.”


In Their Words

“We are here, but in different ways and by different means. With different goals and different essentials for your learning.  We are going fast and this is a glider reaching new skies.  Ride that and know all things are possible and probable and likeness is true and good.  It is with you that we soar and love and enjoy the dreams.”

In Their Words


In Their Words


In Their Words




Quick and Magical Moments

  • Snoring, Do You Hear Snoring?

The Journey to Understand

“Fun and Lots of Love.”

M Bell

Wishing and Believing

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